
NAIC 2022 Report (English version)

I used DeepL to translate most of the sentences from the Chinese version and I found it so much better than my own translation. But if you find anything weird please let me know. 😂

Hello everyone, this is Sunoru. NAIC is the last and largest tournament this season before worlds, and I finished with 7-2 (Day 1) and 3-2 (Day 2), placing 9/318. Four Chinese players made it to Day 2 and we were all in the Top 12. This weekend might be the most satisfying and rewarding experience I've had since I began to participate in official VGC tournaments, and it was very, very fun and memorable. Unfortunately, I don't know how to write a good diary or team report, so I'll have to post a running summary of what came to mind like this (this post is really stinky and long, so sorry in advance). But since I won't be going to London for WCS, I'll share every thought I have without holding back. If you just want to read the team details, you can skip to the second part.


NAIC 2022 流水账

English version: https://ne.sunoru.com/diary/?p=3633

大家好,我是 Sunoru。NAIC 是今年 WCS 之前最后一次也是最大一次的比赛,最后我以第一天 7-2,第二天 3-2 的瑞士轮成绩排名第 9(总共 318 人)。中国选手们破纪录地四个人进入了 Day 2,甚至最后都得到了前 12 的好成绩。这个周末也可能是自从我参加 VGC 官方比赛以来最满载而归的一次经历,非常非常开心和难忘。可惜我既不会写日记也不会写队报,只能像这样发一篇想到什么写什么的流水账总结(这篇文章真的是又臭又长,先提前说句抱歉了)。不过因为我不会去伦敦参加 WCS,我会毫无保留地分享我的所有思路。如果只想看队伍详情可以直接跳到第二部分
